Did you know that 88% of people who track their intake on applications such as MyFitnessPal for (just) 7 days lose weight?

That statistic alone should be enough to convince you that if you’re not reaching your nutrition goals, you may want to try tracking what you eat. Regardless of if you want to lose weight, tone up, or just get healthy, tracking your food provides priceless insight into your starting point, areas for improvement, and ensuring progress over time.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of tracking your food, how to track, and tips for long term success in achieving your health and nutrition goals.


  1. Increases mindfulness. Can you remember what you ate for dinner last night? Often times we forget everything we put in our mouths. Tracking helps you remain mindful of what you eat because you have to log it.
  2. Provides you a better understanding of your current eating habits. In order to reach your nutrition goals, you need to know what your starting point is so you can make an attainable plan with steps to reach your goal. For instance, you need to know how many calories you’re currently consuming, from what sources, and what ratio of macronutrients before you can tweak anything to make progress towards your goal.
  3. Informs you how nutrient-dense your food is. Tracking your food helps you determine what foods are “worth it” for you to meet your goals/nutritional needs (after a few days, you may think, “Wow, those donuts from the breakroom are really difficult to fit into my nutrition plan and they aren’t that satiating. I think I’d rather eat something else.” OR something like, “Cake is my favorite dessert. I know I’m going to have to balance the rest of my day because of it, but I’m ok with that because I don’t eat cake that often and I really love cake, so this is worth it to me.”) Likewise, it helps you realize what foods are inhibiting you from meeting your goals (and therefore help you reduce the amount of consumption or even eliminate). For example, a latte with whole milk and syrups can add an extra 500 calories to your day. If you consume that latte every day, that’s an extra 3500 calories each week…that’s equal to 1lb of fat…every week.
  4. Holds you accountable. By logging, you are aware when you near your daily calorie limit.
  5. Helps you balance your total calories and macronutrients throughout the day. By logging each meal, you can see how balanced your meals are and this can help you make better choices in the future or ensure you continue to make balanced choices for sustained energy.
  6. Helps you reach your goals. Once you know the caloric density of your food, you can’t help but use that information for the future to help you reach your goals. For example, while out to eat at The Cheesecake Factory you are debating what appetizer you want to order. Before making a decision, you check to see how many calories are in the Grilled Chicken Lettuce Wraps and discover that they contain a whopping 1000 calories. You also notice that would put you way over your calorie limit for the day and decide to go with a different appetizer. (Side note: this is different than a restrictive, boring diet. Tracking simply allows you to make informed decisions of foods you enjoy)
  7. Gives you options. You can feel empowered that you have control over incorporating a variety of your favorite foods, in moderation, into your diet.
  8. Allows you to plan ahead. Decide what you’re going to get at the grocery store while at home or pre-read the menu and log those foods in advance. If you aren’t able to do this, learn after you make a choice why it was good or bad (moving your towards or away from your goal) and how to improve your choice in the future.


We’ve found that many people find success tracking their food using the free app, MyFitnessPal (MFP). For specifics on how to use My Fitness Pal, check out their how-to guide. 

People have seen great success with MFP specifically because it has nearly every food in the database, you can easily scan barcodes, you can save your own personal recipes or favorite meals, and the app is available for iOS and android–you always have your phone on you, so you won’t have an excuse not to track something.

Activity: Try to log what you ate yesterday. The first step in tracking your food and utilizing MFP is really just seeing what you are currently consuming on an average day. Then, once you know your starting point and have determined your goal, you can tweak what you consume (based on your own food preferences and goals) to fit your nutrition needs.


  1. The more often you track, the more likely you are to reach your goals. Tracking keeps you informed about your intake over time. Tracking gets easier the more you do it. There’s a learning curve to this stuff. Be patient and overtime you won’t even realize that you’re making tracking a habit that takes little to no time out of your day.
  2. Track something v. nothing at all. Often times we get caught up in picking the correct item to log but just having discipline, staying mindful, and holding yourself accountable to logging is just as beneficial in helping us reach our goals.
  3. Lifestyle habits will form by logging each meal, one at a time. As you get more organized with doing this, logging your day ahead of time will force you to have a plan.
  4. Log ahead of time to see if that food aligns with your goals. If it does not, delete it and choose something else.


  • Set custom reminders. If you’re prone to skipping meals and snacks because you get busy at work and forget to eat, you can set custom reminders in MFP to help you remember when to eat. You can also set a reminder to log your food.
  • Make friends. People who add friends on MFP are twice as likely to lose weight as those who don’t. Adding friends is a great way to hold yourself accountable, give support to each other, and motivate each other to continue logging.
  • Save time with short cuts. Save multiple logged items to make a meal (i.e. a salad or something with many components), utilize the barcode scanner for quick entries, and add recipes from the web or your own. The last one is also helpful for seeing what your favorite homemade recipes really consist of. You can create a meal in MFP and alter the ingredients or portions until it fits what you need for your goals.  
  • Log at restaurants. Most places have their nutrition up on their website and are already on MFP database. Another good tip is to log your food before you order it to see if it fits in your day. That way you can change what you order if what you originally planned on getting doesn’t fit.
  • Connect with other apps you use. Connect with your other favorite health and fitness apps such as MapMyRun, Fitbit, and Garmin, so you have all your health data in one, easy to reference place to see your full progress in every area.
  • At the end of the day, tap “Complete Diary.” This tells MFP that you’re done eating for the day and MFP will give you feedback on how the choices you made during the day impacted your progress toward your goals.
  • Reflect on non-scale victories. Not every victory is going to happen on the scale — in fact, most won’t. These small victories could include: eating all your meals and snacks every day for a month (if you’re someone who forgets to eat), staying within your calorie range each day, having balanced meals at the right times each day for a week, having lower cholesterol at the doctor, passing on the donuts in the breakroom, etc. Block out time to reflect on how your healthy habits are having a positive impact on your life. This will help you continue to make healthy choices in the future.

What now? My challenge to you is to track your food for 7 days. It might feel uncomfortable, but I promise it will get easier the more you do it.

Credits and Thanks to Allison Lesko RD LD for this great article.

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Since 2012
Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Kids Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
Menopause for Athletes Nutrition certified



Bio Coming Soon


Since 2012
Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Kids Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
Menopause for Athletes Nutrition certified



Bio Coming Soon


Since 2012
Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Kids Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
Menopause for Athletes Nutrition certified

Jason Smiley


Bio Coming Soon


Since 2012
Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Kids Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
Menopause for Athletes Nutrition certified



Bio Coming Soon


Since 2012
Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Kids Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
Menopause for Athletes Nutrition certified

Barry Hus


I am a retired firefighter/paramedic who has spent most of the last 40 years doing endurance sports including triathlons, road racing, and adventure racing. I started Crossfit in April of 2021 at the young age of 62, as a way to regain my strength and muscle mass, and to increase my mobility. During that time the sport, and the CrossFit community have had a major impact in my life. The sport has not only greatly improved my total fitness, but it’s given me an outlet for my competitive side, including a third place finish at the DekaStrong World Championships in 2022, and a trip to the CrossFit Semifinals in 2024. I love being a part of CrossFit, and coaching has allowed me to give back to the community that has given me so much.



Emily Barnard


Since a young age, I have always had a passion for helping others. I chased career paths in an attempt to fulfill this passion, that ultimately led to dead ends. It’s true what they say; sometimes what you’re looking for when you’re not looking at all.
I have an athletic history of volleyball, softball, and running, none of which ever came easily to me, determination and resilience was always my strong suit. In 2019, I found CrossFit and never looked back. I soon realized what I loved most about it was watching my community meet and exceed their own personal goals; nothing makes me happier.
In 2022 I decided to start coaching because I wanted to help my community reach those goals and be part of their fitness journey. Being a CrossFit coach allows my passion for helping others and for fitness to come full circle.





Danielle is currently an intern at Sweat Factory CrossFit. She loves toes to bar and helping people meet challenges. When Danielle is not at the gym, you can find her having out with her kids and friends along with paddle boarding and going to the beach! You can also find her hanging out with her kids at SFC!



Director of Coaches Development

Keith Barber’s journey into the world of fitness and athleticism began at a very young age. Growing up, he was immersed in an environment that celebrated physical activity and health, thanks to his mother’s vibrant aerobics classes. Watching her lead those energetic sessions ignited a lifelong passion for fitness in Keith.
Keith’s dedication to athletics started on the track field. From elementary school through college, he was a committed and competitive track runner. His experience spans a wide range of disciplines and age groups, making him well-versed in the demands and rewards of rigorous training. His years on the track taught him invaluable lessons in discipline, perseverance, and the thrill of personal achievement.
In 2013, Keith discovered CrossFit, a fitness regimen that perfectly aligned with his passion for varied, high-intensity workouts. Since then, he has dedicated himself to mastering and teaching the principles of CrossFit. Keith’s fascination with human performance drives him to continually expand his knowledge and improve his coaching techniques.
As a CrossFit coach, Keith’s mission is to share his deep understanding and enthusiasm for fitness with every individual who walks into a CrossFit Affiliate. He believes in the transformative power of physical fitness and is committed to helping others unlock their potential and achieve their personal best. Keith’s approach to coaching is deeply rooted in his own journey, and he strives to give the gift of performance, resilience, and health to his community.


CrossFit L1, L2, L3
CrossFit Gymnastics
Power Monkey Gymnastics
Power Monkey Weightlifting
Power Monkey Camp
Precision Nutrition L1




Since 2013
Certified Level 2 Crossfit Trainer
Interamericana – Ponce, PR UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO – Ponce, P.R., US
Certifications- American Sport and Fitness Association
CrossFit L1 & L2
Personal Trainer license of Puerto Rico
Level Method Certified Coach



Having competed in most high-school sports, finding an athletic outlet as an adult was a challenge. After a few seasons of one sport or another, I’d find myself bored of it… until I found CrossFit in 2016 and haven’t looked back. Since then, I’ve gained the back/core strength necessary to overcome prior years of lower back pain. The constantly varied functional movements of CrossFit actually taught me better body mechanics, allowing me to grow in both athleticism and confidence. I want to share my love for this sport with all those who believe – or have been told – that they could no longer do something they love. Our bodies are made to move and our spirits are rewarded when they do!


Fitness Coach since 2018
CF-L2 Trainer
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified

Maci Lowery 


I have always been part of some type of sport since junior high and high school. Basketball, Volleyball, Track. Dance etc. I attended college on a dance scholarship, dancing for the Basketball team half-time shows, then moving on to Professional Ballroom Dance after. I traveled the US competing for 6 + years.

Then, at 30, I became a mother. Actually, a 225 lb mom! I made the decision I would look 21 & thin again no matter the pain and sweat involved. I took up running and with Clint began Triathlons. The next few years were full of Triathlons, Marathons obstacle races and Ultramarathons. Including a 50k trail race. I lost my weight, ALL OF IT. And was thin but wanted more tone. I was now a “Skinny Fat” so to speak, lol. Clint gave me a weightlifting routine & proved to me a woman can lift weights and get LEAN and tone. NOT big & bulky.

In my careers as a Firefighter and a pro Women’s Football player, I strived to stay in top physical condition. In 2011, we found Crossfit. It is the perfect balance of full-body strength, core strength, endurance, and explosive intensity that I needed for both of my careers. 

When Clint and I launched Sweat Factory CrossFit in 2013, we were driven by the conviction that fitness should be available to all. No matter your age, background in fitness, goals or physical abilities. We aim to foster a supportive atmosphere that enhances mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. At Sweat Factory CrossFit, we are committed to enhancing the health and wellness of our community members. And we are a family within our community. The unbelievable joy we get from supporting our community is unmatched, and we are devoted to helping everyone who enters our facility reach their highest potential.


Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Kids Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Level Method Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
Menopause for Athletes Nutrition Certified
CrossFit Spot the Flaw
CrossFit Scaling
CrossFit Coaching Fundamentals

Clint Lowery


After my college football career ended, I found myself settling into a sedentary lifestyle, becoming a “couch potato” for the next ten years. That all changed when I discovered the Body for Life challenge, through which I lost 35 pounds not once, but twice! Feel free to ask me about my journey—I’d love to share it with you.

This transformation sparked a newfound passion for fitness, leading me to train for and compete in triathlons. Over the years, I’ve participated in over 100 triathlons, including four half Ironman races and three full Ironman races. Additionally, I’ve completed 15 marathons, six 50k marathons, and four 50-mile ultramarathons.

My CrossFit journey began in 2011, and since then, I’ve competed in over ten CrossFit competitions, a bodybuilding competition, and a powerlifting competition. The diversity of these experiences has fueled my dedication to helping others achieve their fitness goals.

In 2013, Maci and I founded Sweat Factory CrossFit with the belief that fitness should be accessible to everyone. Our mission is to create a positive environment that uplifts the mind, body, and spirit. At Sweat Factory CrossFit, we are dedicated to improving the physical, mental, and overall health of our community members. The joy we derive from serving our community is unparalleled, and we are committed to helping each person who walks through our doors achieve their fullest potential.


Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer
Pendlay Olympic Lift Certification
CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer Certified
CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Certified
Retired EMS Captian and Paramedic
Level Method Certified Coach


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